Category Archives: Uncategorized


I’d worried about it. Well, you would do wouldn’t you; open heart surgery is not part of anyone’s retirement plan.


Finally, after months of samples, tests and scans, I have a way forward for the health issues I described in my recent post.

BUMP IN THE ROAD (sinful sunday)

I’ve hit a bump in the road. At first I thought it was a speed bump; you know the type: slow down a bit, a small crunch as you go over it, then carry on with your journey. A hundred yards later you’ve forgotten it.


She is German, the Mistress with whom Miss Hunter is running her corporal punishment party, and known for being rather fearsome. Mistress Katharina Stinger is not to be trifled with. Her website  makes this clear.


My body is causing me problems at the moment, my heart in particular. I have something called a dilated cardiomyopathy to add to the congenital issues of a dodgy valve and mild arrhythmia. I get out of breath at the slightest exertion. That might not sound much, but I have to tackle the slight incline… Read More »

DOMINANT – SUBMISSIVE (sinful sunday)

I’m lucky enough to have a few submissive friends who like to play with me in London rental dungeons. Usually the dynamic is my dominant to their submissive, though, me being me, I’m quite likely to turn the tables at a moment’s notice.

DRESSING FOR IT (sinful sunday)

I went up to London a day or two before my recent session with Miss Amy Hunter and so wasn’t focussed on it when I packed my bag. I realised when I got there I had nothing to wear for the session.

VULNERABILITY – finding the child inside

I saw renowned purveyor of corporal punishment, Miss Amy Hunter in a London rental dungeon last week. I found our session had an extra level of intensity and it has taken me a while to work out why. What I do know is that I was deeply effected by the session, felt a rush of… Read More »