Category Archives: Uncategorized

BACK ON THE HORSE (sinful sunday)

I haven’t had a caning for a while, not a real beating. So, when the wonderful Miss Hunter tweeted  that she had some availability on a weekend when I already had a dungeon booked for a few hours of kinky fun with my love, it seemed like a good opportunity to get back on that… Read More »

YOU LIGHT ME UP (sinful sunday)

She was a bit drunk. I was a bit drunk, but not as drunk as she was. It appears that I have fallen in love with the sort of person who puts Christmas lights in the weekend bag for the sole purpose of wrapping me up in them for a picture.

SATURDAY IRONING (sinful sunday)

It might not sound much of a Saturday night. However, I had a wonderful night with my love earlier this week and I got to play poker this afternoon, so I’m cool with doing the ironing and watching some TV. I’ll pour some wine in a minute.

UTILITY ROOM DOOR (sinful sunday)

“Oh hi!” I said, as the utility room door opened, “I didn’t expect to see you up yet! I just popped down to make some tea and thought I’d load the dishwasher while the kettle boils.”

PLAYING WITH ROPE (sinful sunday)

We want to explore rope more and my capability is strictly limited. I’d like to find a shibari course we could do together. In the meantime, there’s YouTube and, in the absence of a suitable model, myself. 


I’ve always like playing with Mirrors in BDSM sessions, whether I am dominant or submissive in the scene. When I am being beaten by Mistress Elita, I want to watch her, enjoy the depth of her focus on me, admire the turn of her lithe body, fear the force of her swing. I want to… Read More »

AUDIO – Anatomy of a caning

Having enjoyed reading a post about a particularly intense BDSM session to an audience at Eroticon, and then posted a recording, several folk encouraged me to do more audio porn.


LackOfContent warning: This post contains no sex or suggestive language; no pretty girls are spanked and there are no pictures or videos of Mistress Elita. You don’t even get to see my bum. If you are OK with these things, then please read on. If you’d like something more erotic, try this. Insomnia is an… Read More »

IN PUBLIC – THE LAST WORD (sinful sunday)

Of course, it may not be exactly the last word about my pubic session with Mistress Elita in a hotel room at the Eroticon Sex Writer’s conference, but, amazing and complex though the experience was, I need to put it away now and move on.


How wonderful to have yet another individual perspective of the public session I set up at Eroticon. My friend Honey looks at from her perspective as a fellow masochist. I love how connected she felt to the session.