Category Archives: Uncategorized

MUM’S ROOM (sinful sunday)

I stay in Mum’s room when I go to spend time with my Dad. It’s a small room in a small house, a new build retirement place. Like the rest of the house, it’s cluttered in that way that down-sized old peoples houses are often cluttered. a crowded jumble of miss-matched furniture, pictures and nic-naks.


I knew I had to write that last post immediately. My newly discovered sense of compassion for myself was a fish that had often been glimpsed in the water, but had never previously been landed, and then suddenly, last Friday, there it was, flapping about in the bottom of the boat, sure to jump over… Read More »


No, not me! Well; in truth, I am a bit grumpy just now, but this post isn’t about me, its about my father. He’s definitely grumpy; sometimes very grumpy, even downright miserable. Of course, he has every reason to be: a hip operation causing mobility problems, shortness of breath, a malfunctioning heart, problems with his… Read More »


I saw my mum today. First time in the two months since Dad broke his hip. First time since she went into the nursing home. It’s only a few hundreds yards from their house, but Dad hasn’t been able to get  there to see her yet. That saddens me because I think he’s putting it off.

PPE (sinful sunday)

I was imagining the next stage of the post-lockdown easing of Covid-19 restrictions. There is definitely a stage coming where we’ll be allowed to meet other people again, but only if we wear Personal Protective Equipment.

PLAYING ALONE (sinful sunday)

Like many folk all over the country, all over the world, I am having having to get used to my own company. Sometimes, I can be relaxed about this; at others, I’m climbing the walls.

SKI TRIP (sinful sunday)

Why do all my selfies have to be “big man doing the chores”? After all that baking, grass cutting and ironing, a guy deserves a break, right?

EMULSION (sinful sunday)

“You want a hand?”I said, hearing that painting was going to be happening while I was her side of London. “Sure” she said, “we could do a Sinful Sunday!” Cue major eye roll from me.

FOOTBALL (sinful sunday)

I fancied a slight change of direction for my occasional series of black and white “ big man does the chores” images. I mean “all work and no play etc etc”

HOOVER (sinful sunday)

I love the dog, but when he tramps mud into the bedroom carpet just before I am about to have company (the best kind of company) it is possible to go off him.