HIDING IN THE REEDS (sinful sunday)

By | 28th June 2020

I wasn’t going to do.a sinful Sunday this week; somehow it seemed the wrong thing to be thinking about while I’m down here looking after my poor old mum.

But it’s early in the morning and the carer won’t be here to get her up and showered for an hour, so where is the harm in it?  Also I had this image I took last weekend.

I actually posted another image, taken with this one, but removed it a day later, deciding that all the negative sentiments I expressed about feeling old were transitory and I didn’t need or want a permanent record of them.

I couldn’t decide between the original and the monochrome edit but went with the edit. I like playing with the editor: pulling the reeds forward or pushing them back; choosing how to highlight my body.

Concentrating on an image of my own body can shift my mood in a positive or negative direction. I enjoyed it today, seeing solidity and strength at a time when I need those characteristics in a mental as well as physical sense.

More Sunday sin here:

Sinful Sunday

3 thoughts on “HIDING IN THE REEDS (sinful sunday)

  1. Focused and Filthy

    What a wonderful image. The reeds make a playful focus and a way to tease us with hints of your underlying image. I think I too prefer the black and white but I love the playfulness of it. We all hide behind different layers. This is subtle but strong. I love it.
    Missy x

  2. HappyComeLucky

    I love this. It’s a wonderful image. Such strength in your stance. The reeds seem to emphasise that. It’s also got a hint of mystery. Your strength implies that you are definitely in control rather than a cowering hiding. Maybe playful, maybe an ambush, or maybe selecting some lengths to use.
    Sending love for everything that is going on.


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