PLAYING HARD – (sinful sunday)

By | 24th February 2018

…and though she be but little, she is fierce…

(Shakespeare – A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

A few weeks ago I had an assignation with lovely American professional submissive, Katie.

What we did was quite extreme, certainly compared to my previous experience of this kind of play. I felt that I wanted  some words from Katie to add to the piece I wrote about our time together. I wanted to be able to show more than my own assertion that there had been care and consent; in fact not only consent but engagement, excitement and passion.

Katie cane cropped

What she wrote was rather wonderful:

Dear Sir,

I was in the bath this evening and my mind drifted to the amazing time we spent together recently. It always brings me such joy to think back on our sessions but this past one keeps popping into my mind, bringing me lots of great memories. The anticipation: walking into the dungeon; seeing all the amazing toys; the sound of your voice as I change into something less comfortable, hehehe.

Then we start, slowly at first, light pain, gentle kisses, then harder, my yelps of pain mixing with my moans of pleasure. Then harder still. A cane broken across my ass, my nipples raw, my head swirling with such a glorious mix of sensations, begging to be allowed to climax as the passion becomes more and more intense.

I am unsure I can express how truly amazing it was for me. I look forward to our meeting again, you pushing me even further, building on what we have begun.

Yours K


“….you pushing me even further, building on what we have begun.”

Hmmm. That’s quite an invitation, it really is.

You can read about this quite exceptionally kinky session here:


More Sunday sin here:

Sinful Sunday

16 thoughts on “PLAYING HARD – (sinful sunday)

  1. Violet

    What a lovely letter. It certainly does add context to what looks like an intense scene!

  2. Molly

    This is a great shot and her words really does place it in the context of a very sexy and happy session


  3. Posy Churchgate

    The image tells half the story, anticipation clear, but those lovely words she wrote you are quite something else. She truly treasures the experiences as much as you do.

  4. Jo

    This is the beautiful thing about playing with someone many times… you’re always adding more layers and making deeper connections!


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