DUNGEON – Miss Hardy Writes

By | 5th November 2018

I love it when someone I’ve played with is willing to share their thoughts on our time together, especially if we’ve being doing something that’s new to one or other of us. So I was delighted when Miss Donna Hardy agreed to put down her reactions to our visit to Blue Door Dungeon, her first visit to a dungeon. London has some great rentable BDSM play spaces and I love the heightening of kinky intensity that comes from being in a venue so obviously optimised for pain and pleasure.

Here are Miss Hardy’s words:


Despite being a natural submissive, I do not typically offer BDSM services as an escort, though I recently found myself dabbling in such delights. Once I met BibulousOne (B), I knew that we shared a mutual understanding and mutual taste; we had shared a glorious and fiery chemistry that lead me to taking a proper thwacking on our first date. B quickly discovered that I’d yet to visit a dungeon and asked if I’d like like to join him. I eagerly accepted.

B and I discussed what the session would entail: flogging, restraints, blindfolds. But I ultimately told B I’d like him to guide me through the session.

In the lead up to the day I was filled with trepidation which soon turned to anticipation.

We met at lunch time and exchanged pleasantries in the lounge/waiting area. On the street you would never guess what was behind those doors. I was pleased and aroused by our little secret. I could think of much more torturous ways of spending an afternoon. B instructed me to undress and put on the blindfold he had left hanging beside me, whilst he waited in the dungeon. When I was ready, I stood behind the curtain:

“I’m ready, sir.”

In silence he guided me through the curtain and lead me around the room. He stood there for what seemed like an eternity, contemplating what to do with me while Dead Can Dance pierced the silence. He put my wrists in restraints and slowly lead me forward, turning me, and lifting my arms high to clip my wrist above my head to the board above. A petite girl, I stood uncertain on my tiptoes, trying to keep my feet to the ground, the anticipation was so intense that I almost felt like I was floating as he spanked and flogged me.

Released, I was lead away, and instructed to kneel while he removed my blindfold and allowed me to adjust to my surroundings. The dungeon was beautiful, downed in blue and read light, it was nothing like I had imagined. It was small, but not claustrophobic. It felt safe and warm, enticing, and welcoming.

He then gifted me with the beautiful Joanna Lark harness that you can see in the image below. Dressed like a sub, in character so to speak, I feel strangely empowered, self assured and confident in my role as a submissive, and confident in my boundaries and what it is that I want to achieve and take away from the session.

I’m loath to divulge every detail of the session with you, reader, as the afternoon had a special place in my heart and I enjoy keeping secrets.

Blindfolded once again, I was strapped, legs spread to the black leather massage table, the flogger returns – a welcomed presence.

Now it’s time to play a game, the massage wand appears, I remember my rules from the start of the afternoon. I must ask sir if I’m allowed to orgasm.

As I feel the orgasm about to peak:

“May I come, sir?”

“No. Repeat after me…..”






Struggled with “Fem”

“Repeat after me”

This went on for some time until I was able to whimper






That was apparently one one to ten in Norwegian! The need to concentrate on the counting stopped my orgasm in its tracks. After “Ti” the rumbling from the vibrator started again. We made it through French, German and Italian, before I was finally rewarded with the orgasm my body desperately needed.

The high was so intense I had to beg for it to stop.

“You now what you have to say to make it stop.”

I didn’t. In my ecstasy I had forgotten my manners.

I squirmed and giggled on the table until words found me.

“Thank you, sir!”

And sweet release was had.

We wound up our session with some more sensory play, and took the final hour to polish off the last of the champagne and talk about the enlightening afternoon we had just had as well as fantasise about futures plans.

My first experience in a dungeon was a beautiful one, and I cannot wait to visit it again.


When one experiences great physical pain, your body instinctively releases endorphins and adrenaline so what you, a sub, must take into consideration is that these chemicals, like any drug, will most likely lead to a “come down” of sorts. This is why it is important that you and your Dom or Domme take the time to debrief, decompress, and, comfort each other after the session.

Subbing is an extremely cathartic experience, allowing someone to take you to a point of such intense sensation and emotion is a privilege – for the Dom and the sub. These feelings will continue to seep into your body and mind throughout the following days, sometimes it feels like you’re floating, and other times melancholy can swoop over you.

You and your Dom must be very in tune with one another, you must be able to communicate verbally and non verbally for a fun, successful, and, most importantly, a safe session to go ahead.

I’m definitely going to be seeing Miss Hardy again. She’s lovely and has a real adventurous spirit.

There is another picture of the beautiful Miss H in my Sinful Sunday post.

2 thoughts on “DUNGEON – Miss Hardy Writes

  1. Julie

    What a wonderful experience. I love that he had you counting in Norwegian and other languages; excellent.


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