By | 17th January 2019

It was one of those sessions that shouldn’t really have happened. It was too soon after the previous one, but my first weeks back at work after the Christmas holidays had been horrible and I was facing a long, lonely weekend.

I tried to cheer myself up by buying a good tuna steak, thinking I would cook a proper meal after my regular Friday afternoon poker game. I ended up buying chips and eating them in the car as I drove home.  It wasn’t a good start.

I try always to approach kink from a good place and this wasn’t it, but, having won some money at poker, I reached out to my current kinky playmate, Miss Donna Hardy, and proposed a short-notice Sunday afternoon meeting in a hotel. She accepted with alacrity and my mood lifted immediately.

Travelling up up to London for the express purpose of having spanky sex felt deliciously naughty, as did checking into the hotel for a “day use” booking. If they didn’t already know why I was there, the request for a bottle of Champagne removed any ambiguity from the situation.

Miss Hardy was delightful: intimate, affectionate, engaging. I’d taken some bondage tape with me and put it to good use.

I realised a kinky ambition that had been in my mind ever since noticing the hotel’s highly pervertible room signs on an earlier visit. I spanked poor Donna with the one saying “Service Please.” Its brother, “Do Not disturb,” was hanging on the door to the room, fulfilling a purpose closer to that intended by its manufacturer.

I had tried a few experimental swats on myself and knew it would deliver a challenging, thuddy sting. Her reactions were a perfect blend of sex and pain. After six I checked in.

”It wasn’t as bad as I expected,” she said, cheerily.

That may have been a mistake. The next set were harder and had her wriggling against the tape. It was a wonderfully hot interchange.  We kissed a lot afterwards.

She hurt me too, squeezing and biting my nipples impressively hard and thrashing me with some willow canes I’d cut from the tree in the garden before I left.

I think there’s a genuine switch in Miss Hardy and helping her develop it is fun.

Painful, but so much fun!


One thought on “BINDING MISS HARDY

  1. Ile Nue

    Ha! Yes, that’s just what I love about Day Use too. Ohh, the best was once when there were 3 of us checking in for the afternoon – a man and two women. You can imagine the expressions on the receptionists’ faces for that one!!


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