DRESSING FOR IT (sinful sunday)

By | 21st April 2024

I went up to London a day or two before my recent session with Miss Amy Hunter and so wasn’t focussed on it when I packed my bag. I realised when I got there I had nothing to wear for the session.

The extent to which this bothered me made me realise that wearing some suitably fetishistic underwear has become an important element of the experience. I’m not entirely sure why that is.

A quick Sunday morning visit to a Soho sex shop let me feel more relaxed about the session.

This skimpy jock is OK, but there is no doubt that the best male fetish wear is to be found in shops frequented by the gay male fetish community. Personally I think it’s a shame that male underwear sold in mainstream shops is so boring in comparison to the female equivalent.

Come on M & S! Where’s that male lingerie line? You could set a trend!

The session was an extremely intense experience which I wrote about here.

More Sunday Sin here:

Sinful Sunday

6 thoughts on “DRESSING FOR IT (sinful sunday)

  1. Bee

    I completely agree with you, which see,s odd seeing as I much prefer “male’ lingerie to ‘female’ lingerie.

    However from a viewers perspective, I’ll happily sign your petition *laughs

  2. Molly

    Clearly you need to write to M and S. I want to see them getting on board with more interesting mens undies


  3. Julie

    Great choice and I must admit I’ve given little thought to the choice of mens underwear in the regular shops. Lucky you were close to Soho when the need arose! You look fab in them.

  4. Asta

    Yes, why should us ladies have all the fun?! New sexy underwear does have a strangely transformative feeling…Nice pics.

  5. HappyComeLucky

    Unnfff, B. You look so hot in those. I am so glad that you are happy to share. I’ll be having a good “think” about the joys of male lingerie.

  6. Jane

    I’ve never really thought about the lack of choice in the men’s underwear department but now you’ve pointed it out it seems pretty obvious! (Would you like cotton trunks, or, er, cotton trunks?) Really glad you found something that made you feel more relaxed and happy ahead of your session.



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