DOMINANT – SUBMISSIVE (sinful sunday)

By | 18th May 2024

I’m lucky enough to have a few submissive friends who like to play with me in London rental dungeons. Usually the dynamic is my dominant to their submissive, though, me being me, I’m quite likely to turn the tables at a moment’s notice.

My Sinful Sunday image comes from one such session. She’s blindfolded, gagged and has noise deadening headphones on. Seeing and hearing nothing, she can only feel and I’m giving her lots of sensations to process.

I’ve just picked up a beautifull hand made two-tailed whip from the well equipped rack in the dungeon and I’m about to work her over with it.

She knows nothing of this. She might vaguely be aware of my presence but that’s all she has to go on.

For now.

This scene happened in the wonderful Peacock Parlour. I can highly recommend this beautiful London space for kinky play sessions of all types.

More Sunday Sin here: 

Sinful Sunday




3 thoughts on “DOMINANT – SUBMISSIVE (sinful sunday)

  1. Petereal

    You are being impressively honest. When a much younger girlfriend asked me to go with her to a nude beach, she was surprised that I agreed without arguing. I told her it is much more daring to bare private thoughts than private parts. Your picturez of caned bum are less revealing than your picture of your nude mind.
    Thank you for sharing.


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