By | 22nd September 2024

She is German, the Mistress with whom Miss Hunter is running her corporal punishment party, and known for being rather fearsome. Mistress Katharina Stinger is not to be trifled with. Her website https://www.misskstinger.co.uk/about  makes this clear.

She’d started off by spanking me and I’d turned round to see what she was using. It seemed impossible that an impact so challenging could come from her hand alone. The hand spanking had shocked me into choosing less demanding implements for our one to one session than I’d planned.

It wasn’t  just her ferocity that fascinated me. She had a kinky energy about her that I found totally compelling.

The Grand Finale, as Miss H calls it, seemed to come very soon after I had been beaten quite hard with a long, heavy leather strap and I wasn’t sure I was ready to be caned. I could have chosen something less demanding but this final caning was why I was here, was what I had told myself I needed, so I opted to take all the allocated 24 stokes with the cane, 12 from each Mistress.

After a long afternoon of corporal punishment of different types, Miss Hunter’s strokes were demanding and I could feel myself fighting by the time we got to twelve.

Katharina’s first stroke slammed into the soft skin in the crease under my buttocks.


I rocked forward and grunted and just had time to grip hard onto the bench before a second stroke landed equally hard on the same spot.

“Can I do twelve of these?” I frantically asked myself. “Surely not, not after everything else.”

The third stroke arrived and again the searing pain of it knocked the breath out of me. How could this be the same cane as Miss H had used? It was brutal and my skin already felt raw where it had been.

Yet I realised that I was waiting for the fourth. Terrified of it yet wanting it. Craving the challenge. Not minding, in that moment, if she broke me.

“A bit softer” said Miss H quietly, seeing that I was struggling.

I was both thankful for her intervention and disappointed by it. I needed Mistress K to back off by ten percent to make it bearable, while also needing her to crush me, dominate me and, if necessary force the safe word up from its deep hiding place.

For two days after the party I was on an ecstatic high, thoughts full of kinky fantasies of pain and punishment. I touched the marks often through my clothing.



Despite everything that had happened it felt like unfinished business. The kind of unfinished business that will lead me back, like the moth to the burning flame, so that Mistress Katharina can give me the beating she had wanted to give me; back, so that I might try and accept the beating I had wanted to receive.

Oh shit! What have I let myself in for?



More Sunday sin here:

Sinful Sunday

4 thoughts on “UNFINISHED BUSINESS – CP party

  1. Antonia

    Yes a lovely position tobe in and ready to take my punishment. 😮😮🦯🦯🦯🦯😁😁😁😋


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