Category Archives: Sinful Sunday

PRETTY AS A PICTURE (sinful sunday)

I am neither artist nor art critic but I love works where a single, well drawn line or a few brush strokes hint at the beauty of a scene and invite us to fill in the rest of the picture ourselves. This image does that for me.

LILLY’S NEW KNICKERS (sinful sunday)

Occasionally I see an item of clothing on Twitter or a website and I just immediately know who I have to have it for. Someone who would make the item look like it was designed specifically for them alone. And so it was with the Bettie Page Ivory French Knickers. I absolutely HAD to see… Read More »

A DUNGEON FOR MISS HARDY (sinful sunday)

Some of my most memorable times with sex workers have been when I’ve been able to give someone an experience they haven’t had before. I don’t even mean just kinky experiences; Lilly’s trip to Cirque Du Soleil, and Elita’s first visit to the Royal Opera House were wonderful too.

IN BARCELONA – (sinful sunday)

For #SinfulSunday I’ve chosen my favourite image from my session with the beautiful Mistress Selina Bellatrix in Barcelona last week. She is pictured in the amazing kinky play-space that is Clandestino

OH, MISS HARDY! (sinful sunday)

My Sinful Sunday this week is the full image of the very lovely Miss Donna Hardy over the bench in my hotel room. I think she looks glorious. She’s been spanked and given a belting. Although this went much further than I expected, it was very much a “one step at a time” exploration of the extent… Read More »

DOM IN A SUIT (sinful sunday)

I admit it. I quite enjoy the “Dom in a Suit, girl in lingerie” trope. I’ve played with it before. I can see why people have trouble with the patriarchal symbolism that comes with it, but it’s a role I like to play rather than who I am. At least, I think it is.

WEEKEND (sinful sunday)

Strange weekend, this. It’s my wife’s sixtieth birthday weekend and the house will be full of her family, most of whom know that we’re getting divorced.