Content warning: corporal punishment of children. I was taken to the junior part of the boys boarding school I eventually attended for an interview with the headmaster, part of the admission process. I’d have been nine, possibly ten, and this particular school had been a recommendation from Mum’s stepfather, a master at a local grammar… Read More »

A GOOD END – Update

Content warning: Old age, Alzheimer’s disease, assisted dying. This post touches on delicate subjects that some may prefer not to read about. Please feel free to walk away if it might upset you. 

POSING (sinful sunday)

I’ve posted this sort of image before. My excuse this time is that I’ve bought a couple of pieces of male underwear before I head to the States for 10 days with Lyra. Also, this week’s Sinful Sunday theme is P and and I’m definitely posing here!

THE PRUDE (therapy and self-analysis)

My Mum, bless her, was a bit of a prude. If anyone so much as kissed on the TV she would stiffly look away or concentrate on her sewing. But her prudery was about more than sex, closer perhaps to the Mirriam Webster definition: Prude: a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety… Read More »

AND I’VE GONE….. On subspace

She hits me again and, in an instant, I’ve gone…… Physically I’m lying over pillows on a hotel bed in San Diego and Lyra is beating me with a cane brought out in my checked baggage from the UK for this purpose. But in my head and inside my body, the surges of sensation she… Read More »


I haven’t written this sort of kinkily introspective post for a while, but I came to something of a revelation about the possible origins of my kinks while I was in the US. I shared my thoughts with my therapist which helped to solidify them enough to contemplate writing a post.

AD BREAK (sinful sunday)

On our last evening together we returned to the AirBNB where we were staying after a simple but tasty dinner and decided to watch a movie.  The internet wasn’t working properly so choice was strictly limited. We watched Ender’s Game, a larky bit of space-based nonsense about a kid training for intergalactic battle. You know… Read More »

TRANSLUCENT! (sinful sunday)

With her encouragement, I’ve been sending Lyra occasional pictures from my hotel room here in Las Vegas. We’ll be together in a few days time in San Diego.


My brother isn’t great with my poker playing. He might ask how a trip was and if I say “Good thanks!” he’ll invariably reply “Yeah, but no gambler ever admits they lost.”


I’ve not been blogging lately. When I’m with Lyra, I try to be focussed on her, rather than stuck in a blog post. When we’re apart, my kinks tend to shut down and, with them, the urge to write about the things that happened when we were together. However, last week I booked a session… Read More »