Author Archives: Bibulous


Back in 2016 I wrote a post about a session with an experienced American Dominatrix. Ten minutes in, with an insight that startled me at the time, she told me: “You’re just a little boy!” I had been reminded of the session by an article on Transactional Analysis, a longstanding therapy technique that considers our “parent,”… Read More »

PPE (sinful sunday)

I was imagining the next stage of the post-lockdown easing of Covid-19 restrictions. There is definitely a stage coming where we’ll be allowed to meet other people again, but only if we wear Personal Protective Equipment.

TOWEL DRY (sinful sunday)

It’s often hard to get motivated to do a Sinful Sunday post when I’m on my own; hard to feel in any sense “sinful.” Not in the way I used to feel sinful when I was playing away, or the way I feel now when I’m with her.  For so long, sexual stimulation when I was… Read More »

WATCHING… (sinful sunday)

I’ll admit that, once in a while, I’ll find myself on porn sites; not often, and usually when we’ve been apart for a while. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I have eclectic tastes.

OVER THE WORKTOP (sinful sunday)

I wrote a blog post a long time ago about how it might be to be in a relationship where kinks were acknowledged and shared. If I remember correctly, one of the possible scenes I imagined had one partner, feeling in the right mood, pushing the other over the kitchen worktop for a spanking.


I’ve spent time on my own before, but not like this, not week after week of it, not forced by external circumstances rather than by choice. Much of the time I’m doing fine, but occasionally the pandemic seems like a tidal wave, and the loneliness locks me to the ground so I can only wait… Read More »

MORNING DIG (sinful sunday)

I wouldn’t say I had yet fully made the conversion to happy gardener; my work tends to come in sporadic, short bursts, but I certainly tackle it more willingly than I used to. It provides a healthy and potentially productive way to fill the long, empty gaps that Covid-bloody-19 has forced into my life.

BLIP AND BLOP – isolation

Blop the goldfish looked longingly at his darling Blip, as she swam round in her bowl, tidying scraps and cleaning the inside of the glass. Somehow, being able to see her and wave a fin at her from time to time made it worse.

EPI (sinful sunday)

A plus of solo lockdown is the time and inclination to return to baking. It seems half the country wants to make bread now and my Twitter TImeline and DMs are suddenly full of rising times and sourdough starters and I’m fine with all of it.


How are you doing? Do you still have a job? How are you coping with isolation? Have you had it? How about your elderly relatives? How awful, that in 2020, these are the questions with which we start a conversation.

PLAYING ALONE (sinful sunday)

Like many folk all over the country, all over the world, I am having having to get used to my own company. Sometimes, I can be relaxed about this; at others, I’m climbing the walls.